Center for Advanced Managment Studies

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Prof. Dr. Xueming Luo (University of Texas at Arlington)


  • Date: 12.10.2011
    Time: 5:30pm-7pm
    Location: Kaulbachstr. 45, Room E04

Modeling Customer Metrics, Corporate Strategies and Firm Value

Marketing actions, corporate strategies, and assets are all intended to generate and sustain competitive advantages for the firm. By and large, the ultimate goal of any marketing actions and business strategies is to increase firm value. This research seminar focuses on the role of various marketing mix and customer metrics for firm financial performance. I will discuss econometric models (cross-sectional and time series) and their implications regarding how to rigorously relate marketing and corporate strategies to firm performance. Specific examples in the area of corporate social responsibility and digital media metrics will be presented as well.Insights for authors, reviewers, and editors of top journals will be suggested.
