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Prof. Jenny Hoobler (University of Pretoria)


Date: March 6th, 2019

Time: 10.30 - 12.00 hrs

Place: Ludwigstraße 28 (VG), 211b

Title: The Business Case for Women Leaders


With Angela Merkel as Chancellor of Germany, Hillary Clinton’s US presidential loss, and the recent #Metoo movement standing up to sexual harassment, questions of women’s leadership, status, and value to work organisations are forefront today. Based on her latest research Prof Jenny Hoobler will discuss state-of-the-art knowledge on women’s leadership and the value it can bring to organisations. She will share her recent meta-analysis published in Journal of Management on the business case for women’s leadership, that is, the research tying the number of women leaders to company earnings. Jenny will also bring research to bear on popular beliefs about the rate at which women are ascending to leadership, questions of female ways of leading, and a possible female leadership advantage.