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Dr. Peter Zubcsek (Tel Aviv University)


Date: October 8th, 2018

Time: 14.00 - 15.30 hrs

Place: Ludwigstr. 28, RG, Room 025

Title: Unintended consequences of using social media: Using a mobile platform to study social media use and individual wellbeing


As of 2018, billions of people around the world use social media as a primary form of communication with others. Despite this, extant research linking people's social media use behavior to their psychological, physiological, and financial wellbeing is scant. In this talk, I will present my work using my own mobile platform that aims to shrink this gap. To begin, I will briefly discuss the benefits of using mobile platforms for consumer research (over alternative methods used to study the "mobile consumer"). I will then present the results of two longitudinal studies wherein we periodically surveyed participants’ wellbeing across multiple dimensions while constantly measuring their social media use on their smartphone devices.”